About US

Lead Consultant

Kathleen Pecoraro

Kathleen is a business growth expert with over 20 years’ experience working in the medical and dental industries.

Her passion for helping providers stems from extensive clinical experience as an EDDA in dentistry and later as the executive director of a medical focused non-profit.

That experience, coupled with her educational background in business process improvement, marketing, and communication, gives Kathleen the right tools to help transform medical offices into thriving practices.

An Intrinsic Love for

The Gift

“The Meaning of Life is To Find Your Gift, The Purpose of Life is to Give it Away” ~ William Shakespeare

The excitement of watching someone drive their passion is both touching and inspiring. The reward of helping people succeed while being true to themselves and upholding their values, is unparalleled.

Our desire is to assist others in sharing their gift to enhance the lives in our community. Whether it’s a new business, existing business or assisting you in achieving your vision, DreamCatcha is delighted to guide you to success.

What’s Your Why?

Driven by Emotion

Through vast experience, DreamCatcha has implemented an array of marketing concepts and growth techniques with extensive knowledge on how to design these to fit specific needs for sustainable growth.

The most consistent, rewarding tool is emotion. People are driven by emotion, making decisions based on what feels right or good. If you are passionate about why you do what you do and you share that with others, those who believe what you believe will be by your side. An incredibly strong bond can be formed when it’s emotion that ties you together.

Inspiring individuals to share their gift to build trusted relationships, achieves the highest level of community. DreamCatcha will assist you in expressing your passion to others and connect to those who believe what you believe and seek your services.

Capturing Your Dreams

When Dreams Turn to Reality, Living Out Loud

Everyone has their own idea of what brings love and happiness into their lives. To live a satisfying life, one must recognize what this is and make it a priority. The memories of experiences that are touching, life affirming and bring joy are the memories that truly endure. Our goal is to share these experiences with wonderful people and to help clients be successful in Living Out Loud!

DreamCatcha supports clients in a way that allows them to feel secure moving forward with business plans, while taking time to celebrate achievements.

You can be assured we can capture and articulate your vision in a way that expresses our shared enthusiasm.

Don’t let anything take time away from what you do best…share your gift – in a way that allows you to achieve your dreams!